Monday, 30 September 2013

You are living someone's DREAM

I sometimes dream of a life where I am living independently with some awesome roommates ( Like George and Izzie ) , not being judged for having a guy room mate ( Yeah , that someone cute like George ) or for hanging out with my guyfriends . A life wherein I work at a corporate office , hot boss , a heavy , very HEAVY paycheck , stuff like that . Being born in an economically middle class family , I wanted to finish my studies as soon as possible and start earning (real quick) so that I could support my family . But well call it the irony of life , I got myself in a profession which is gonna take long for the studies to get over and even longer for me to earn that heavy pay check . (Just in case you are wondering , I am a Doctor in the making ) . We all have dreams  . We all dream of some life , different than the one we are living or maybe with little changes in the present one .

Sometimes , we are just not satisfied with anything that life offers . We want more money , new phone , Iphone4s maybe ? We buy it but then comes Iphone 5 , now we want that . New clothes . And all we want is more of this , more of thaat ..

We loathe and self-pity all the time . We ask God "why me?" every chance we get .

It's never enough . We are always caught up in some day dream or some in-the-head melodrama about how unfair life has been so far .

Have we ever considered that maybe , just maybe there is someone out there wanting to be YOU ,
There is someone out there who's only dream is to be able to see the world with his own eyes , to be able to see his loved ones even if it's for a minute ,
There is someone out there dreaming of  having a mom , having a dad , of being pampered and scolded and protected by them ,
There is someone out there who's only dream is to be able to stand , walk , run ,
There is someone out there dreaming of a cemented roof,
There is someone out there dreaming to be able to live a little longer , just a little longer .

These things , little things , being able to see or walk or have food to eat , water to quench thirst , we just take them for granted . It's no big deal . We don't even pay attention to these things . But to someone out there it means everything . EVERYTHING .

Why are we always full of complaints , full of regrets ?

Life is unfair . Life is a bitch . Life also is a great teacher .

So why can't we be happy for all that we have . Embrace the left overs .Be thankful for the breath you just took . Be happy that you are living , with pain , problems , tragedy and what not , but hey ! you are still living , still breathing . Because right now , just as you read this , someone took his last breath , felt his last heartbeat , thought his last thought , dreamt his last dream . So be happy and  thankful , because you are living a life that is worth a thousand dreams !


  1. Wise words indeed, Shonazee. Having recently reached the age of 55 I tend to count my blessings and enjoy the moment.I've taken early retirement with enough money to live comfortably, I've two beautiful and healthy grown up children, and my partner for the last 32 years and I are planning visits to many cities around the world over the next decade. I've a lot to be thankful for.

    1. It's an honour to know that people like you exist , cause lately I 've been encountering whiny people , who have soo much to thank for but they just look at the dark cloud instead of the silver lining , hence the post . I am glad you appreciate it :)
      Oh and looks like with all the visiting many cities you have up your sleeve , we sure are gonna get to read some rib tickling , thought provoking and amazing posts .

  2. You're brilliant Shonazee. Great thinking! Ily :*

    1. And you are always full of praise Nida :* Thankoo .

  3. This is beautiful ... we should be happy and thankful to God for what we have ... perfectly said !!!

  4. Enjoy what is now, and dream of what might be, is better than dreaming of what might have been.

    1. That line just en captures the whole essence of the post very beautifully . Thanks for stopping by Joeh :)

  5. The other side of the fence is always greener, isn't it? Good to sit back and introspect and to learn to be grateful for all the best things we have on this earth. Loved it. :-D

    1. True that ! Yeahh , sometimes , we should take some time out to be grateful for all the good things and the bad one's too ( since we learn soo much from'em) . I am glad you loved it :) Thankyou soo muchh for the comment !



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