Thursday, 10 December 2015


I need a romance that'll sweep me off my feet
A guy who'd hold me captive by his intense stare
Who'd render me speechless by his brief touch
When I enter a room, I am all he wants, all he sees, everything else blurs/ceases to exist.
 I take up all the space in his vision. And his mind.
I want my fairy-tale. 
And my prince.
And all the gowns, heels and castles.

PC: Pinterest.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Book Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Title: A Monster Calls
Author: Patrick Ness
Publisher: Walker Books
Publication date: September 27, 2011
Genre: Fantasy, Children's Lit

Book Blurb: (via Goodreads)

The monster showed up after midnight. As they do.

But it isn't the monster Conor's been expecting. He's been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he's had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming...

This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.

It wants the truth.

“There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one. Most people are somewhere in between.” 


Connor is a thirteen-year-old boy.
His mother is fighting a losing battle to cancer.
And then there are monsters haunting him at nights.
There are days when you don't know if real life is terrifying or your nightmares. Connor's days were like these. I could feel everything he felt. How he didn't want to be pitied. His stored in anger. His helplessness. 
I could completely understand Connor's grandma's reaction. And his mother's.
The portrayal of emotions is so raw and real. And in such simple language. I was left amazed and in awe. Sometimes, you don't need fancy words. Sometimes heartfelt writing is all it takes to move readers.
Definitely, a must-read.

Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?” 

Review Musings:

Sometimes you know how the book is going to end.
Sometimes you know what's the point of it all.
But then when the end does come, even though you knew, even though you were prepared, you tear up.
Your heart hurts and life seems unfair and all the feels hit home.
Some stories are worth feeling for, crying for and this is one of those. 

Because some storytellers know how it's done.
Patrick Ness, I need more of you!

Book OTP: Tissues. This book's one true pair are tissues.

Pro-tip: If you're planning to buy this book, look for the illustrated edition. It's all sorts of gorgeous and has been illustrated by the celebrated "Jim Kay" (Yes, the guy who illustrated the Harry Potter book!)

“Your mind will believe comforting lies while also knowing the painful truths that make those lies necessary. And your mind will punish you for believing both.” 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Pink. Teal. Grey.

I want dark nights and bright days
I want to be the moon, lonely. Detached. Cold.
I want to be the sun, burning. Shining. Thriving.
I want to be happy, the kind that's infectious
I want the grief. I want to mourn.
I want pink days and days that are teal colored.
I want grey days heavy with melancholy. 
I want to live life like it is supposed to be lived.
Like someone who's unafraid. Brave. Stupid. Innocent. 
I want to be all those things and nothing.
I want to be invisible, nothing.
I want to be the center of the universe. 
What I want are extremes and everything in between. The highs, the lows, the plateaus.
I want life. And all of it's epiphanies. All of it's scars and all of it's smiles.

Picture Courtesy: Pinterest.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Time I Started Bookstagramming

When I took a three-month hiatus from reading, around the time of finals last year, I realized how much I loved and how badly I missed it.
So I did what someone(read: book dragon) on a hiatus from reading does, I started to follow Book tubes and Bookstagrams religiously.
For those who aren't aware, book tubes are channels dedicated solely for book reviews and bookish talks. Bookstagramming is all about posting pictures and talking about books on Instagram.

And then a random crazy thought popped into my head like random crazy thoughts do. And my response to it was a cliched NO, are you crazy?
What was the thought you ask? To start my own bookstagram.
Why is that a crazy thought you ask? I can give you a list to answer that, but I'll stick to the most important one's;
1. I don't own many books. In fact, I get most of my reading done by borrowing books from libraries, amazing friends. E-books help too.
2. According to some of my friends, I suck at photography.
But then this random crazy thought started consuming me - like they always do and I succumbed to it. Thank God I did!

I started bookstagramming in April this year, 6 months down, I love it as much as I did on that very first day.

Yet another bookstagram. After all, the world will always need more pictures of Ink. Pages. Spines. Words. Books and bookworms :P #curtainraiser

I've met some very special friends with whom I not only fangirl over books but talk about anything and everything. It's like meeting someone for the first time and realizing that you've known them forever. Yes, that kind of stuff does happen in real life.
I started a book club, I swapped book gifts and letters.
Oh and did I mention that I've already won 3 giveaways?

First giveaway prize: A signed copy of A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J.Maas

Also, my photography skills have gotten a lot better,

Let's just say that right now, this is the most happening thing in my life, the only ray of the sunshine amongst all the dull, lifeless clouds.
Here's more of bookish awesomeness, if you're into that kind of a thing.

Sometimes, it's a good thing to succumb to such consuming thoughts and venture into uncharted seas.

Have you had any random crazy ideas? Tell me, I'd love to know about them.

Sunday, 13 September 2015


This blog has been a witness to my inconsistencies and growth.
Even though it's been really long since I last updated, I keep revisiting this sanctuary of mine at odd hours at night, when insecurities leave me vulnerable. I read my posts, I read your kind comments and I feel like wanting to write again, wanting to write more but then I think of all the work it takes, of how it drains me, because when I write it doesn't come in perfect sentences. I struggle with each line, I fret over the grammar, I worry if what I've written is coherent, I worry if it sounds childish. I take my time, I edit, re-edit, forward it and bug my grammar nazi friends to proofread it.
So yes, although it keeps me on my toes, I remember loving every single second of it. The anticipation after I forward my post or publish it and wait for the first person to read and share their thoughts. The rush of relief and gratitude when I'm appreciated.

So why did I stop, you may ask? Because, just like everyone who gives up a hobby they love would say, Life got in the way and the anticipation, the flood of relief, showers of appreciation faded with time. I forgot how to write or maybe I thought I did, like a lovely dream you once cherished but cannot quite remember anymore.

After a lot of what-ifs, I started bookstagramming this year, met a lot of lovely people (more on that later) and started re-considering the idea of blogging. I contemplated abandoning this blog and starting afresh with a new one. In fact, I did create a new one, but I couldn't go ahead with it. Although the posts here are very few in number, my heart reflects in each word, each comma, each full stop and I realized that I couldn't let it go. That I CANNOT let it go.
So here I am, making a new start.
Only this time without the inconsistencies.

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