Monday, 9 January 2017

Bujo setup 2017

It's a new year, full of new possibilities, notebooks, coloured pens, memo pads, bullet journaling spreads...well, you get the picture, right?

It's a new year, old journal kind of situation for me, with exams right around the corner, it seems quite appropriate. Without further ado, here are my spreads for 2017,

I'm loving all the positive response my journal spreads have been getting, thank you sooooo much for all the messages. I'll try to share as many bullet journal ideas as I can. Also, Happy 2017, you guys! May this year be kind to us all <3

What are your resolutions for the year?

Thursday, 5 January 2017

The Year That Was 2016

The year I earned my first paycheck,
The year I discovered bullet journaling,
The year I got a kindle.
The year I got to go on a semi-solo trip, a first.
The year I met Raves and the Puffs,
(so grateful for having them in my life)

The year I had some of the best breakfasts,
The year I learned how to cook biryani amongst other things,
The year my obsession with chai began,
The year I started appreciating poetry.
And youtube.
And dark chocolate.
And comfy pillows.
And scented candles.(although I don't own any yet, soon hopefully)
And early mornings.

The year I experienced profound bliss and utter disappointment.
The year I bawled my eyes out. Literally. And so many times.
The year I understood what living in solitude actually means.
The year I had my last day of college.

It was bitter-sweet, 2016 feels like the part in a story where everything is building up to the main climax, be it in terms of college or personal life, and 2017 is where all the action is going to happen. I'm nervous, anxious, terrified, the reality that college life is *almost* over hasn't sunk in yet, and adapting to change isn't one of my best suits. This is vv scary, you guys!

So, 2017 please be decent to me. Please be more sweet to bitter. Please have more pink and teal colored days to gray, I've had enough of gray days&nights for a year. I'd like some 5 am light now.
And please, please, please, give the things that started in 2016 a chance to breathe, a chance to live and a chance to thrive.
Don't crush them, not just yet.

To 2017, the year of climax, cheers.

P.S: For those of you interested in my year in books, you can check them out here.

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